Something You Should Know
Customer Questions
Do the Ruler and Swatter cover both cheeks? I’m trying to pick up a bigger paddle that can cover both cheeks. I need some recommendations, also could you tell me something I should know when I am choosing a paddle?
It can be tricky to get a paddle that covers both cheeks while also still being wieldy.
For clarification, a person at 5’4” (160 cm) at 130lbs (59 kg) might have a bottom that measures 12" (30cm) (putting it at maybe ~18" (46 cm) when they sit down?). The Enforcer, with its 17" (43 cm) face, can cover most of that butt with little overhang, while the Destroyer, with it's 21" (53 cm) face, is more than enough to cover both cheeks at once.
(Note: the handle is 5" (18 cm) long which I have included in our listings for your reference.)
The Ruler and Swatter are great paddles, but they probably aren't likely to achieve the coverage you're looking for unless the target is exceptionally small. That said, they will both, DEFINITELY get the point across if used liberally (and with holes).
Some practical things to consider when picking out a paddle:
species (material)
Enforcer in Hickory with Holes
(from left) Ruler in Black Walnut, Hair Brush in Hickory, Swatter in Oak with Cabernet Stain, Boudoir in Zebrawood
The species of wood will determine the density/weight of the paddle. It may sound great to get a big, thick paddle, but remember someone has to swing it and unless you work in a blacksmith’s forge, a heavy paddle may likely become exhausting if the spanking proceeds too long.
For long spankings (75 swats or more), I try to pick a paddle that is roughly 10-12 oz (0.3-0.35 kg), while shorter ones or ones where I am attempting to make a clear point, 1-1/2 lbs (0.7 kg) is perfect (the Enforcer is great for this).
Thickness tends to coincide with the species. I produce paddles from 1/2" (12mm) all the way up to 1-1/4" (31 mm) so paddle weight may seem light or soul crushing, depending upon what thickness one aims at.
Holes are a fantastic way to crank a paddles effectiveness up to 11. The physics is rather simple: a paddle with holes in it can be swung faster thus more energy to the butt. What may be overlooked is the pinching effect the holes have on the skin; the holes force the dermis to compress into them thus leaving rings everywhere and lighting that tushy on fire! A Swatter with holes will rapidly (and effectively) change an attitude when liberally applied.
The last thing was the finish. This is more of a personal aesthetic, but one that I believe is commonly sought out by most spankos. Applying a varnish, urethane or otherwise permanent coat, I believe, may protect the wood, but also isolates the warmth that wood already has present. I am not personally aware of anyone else that produces paddles with butcherblock cream, but that's what I do. The cream contains both beeswax and carnuba wax for a smooth, long term shell (like on your car).
In addition, the actual finish quality (the sanding) is incredibly important. I'm of the mind that the recipient shouldn't recall the spanking a week later due to micro-splinters so a glass smooth finish is nearly a must for me, though ymmv.
A WORD OF WARNING: Certain woods, like aromatic cedar, are more prone to cause serious infection and even necrosis due to the oils in the wood so they should be avoided for any sort of impact play.